Peter van der Gulden
Peter van de Gulden is one of the founders of 'Przewalski Ontwerpers', a design company in Arnhem, The Netherlands. He studied biology, psychology and mass communication, but eventually found his way in (graphic) design. He teamed up with graphic designer Gea Grevink and founded Przewalski Ontwerpers, as such, they did design work for Filmhuis Arnhem, Hotel New York Rotterdam and RBT KAN.
In his personal work Peter is a man of many talents; drawing, painting, digital media and sculpture. Two of his cardboard sculptures are exhibited in gallery Studio Hoekhuis, the 'Coelacanth' and the 'Vulture'. These cardboard animal sculptures are scale 1:1, e.g. the 'Coelacanth' is a full 1,60 meter (63 inch). Each animal is designed and produced on request. For more information, you can contact us here.
- Griffon vulture - Peter van der Gulden
'Griffon vulture' - cardboard object - 40x56x50 cm
Object is designed and produced on request, for more information contact us here.